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House Special

Sept. - Nov.


9月 - 11月

Sweet Sour Spare Ribs  

Sweet and Sour Rib (Tang Cu Pai Gu) is a quite popular dish in China. However, mostly people will eat it in restaurant rather than at home since restaurant version is quite hard to achieve at home.


Restrictively, spare ribs are selected as the main ingredients. The popularity is not only due to its delicious taste but also its beautiful color.

For restaurant style sweet and sour ribs, spare ribs are firstly marinated and then deep-fried in hot oil. This step creates a  crispy surface and a tender inner part, at the same time, ribs are almost cooked. After stir frying the sugar color, other ingredients are well combined. At the last step, ribs are placed in the sauce for coating. Usually we do not have such strong fire at home and deep-frying process requires a large amount of oil.



四川糖醋排骨 是四川一道很有名的凉菜,用的是炸收的烹饪方法,属于糖醋味型,琥珀油亮,干香滋润,甜酸醇厚,是一款极好的下酒菜或是开胃菜。糖醋排骨是糖醋菜中具有代表性的一道大众喜爱的传统菜,它选用新鲜猪子排作料,肉质鲜嫩,成莱色泽红亮油润,口味香脆酸甜,颇受众人喜爱。糖醋排骨的做法有:

基本材料: 肋排500克,香葱1棵,生姜1块,大蒜2瓣,淀粉适量,食用油500克(实耗45克),酱油1/2大匙,香醋1大匙,精盐1/2小匙,白糖1大匙,味精1/2小匙。


1) 小排500克焯水后,煮三十分钟。

2) 用一汤匙料酒,一汤匙生抽,半汤匙老抽,二汤匙香醋腌渍20分钟。

3) 捞出洗净控水备用,炸制金黄,油适量大火热油炸到外面焦黄,达到外酥里嫩。

4) 锅内放排骨,腌排骨的水,三汤勺白糖。半碗肉汤大火烧开,调入适量盐提味。

5) 小火焖十分钟大火收汁,收汁的时候最后加一汤匙香醋,那个酸甜口就出来了。

6) 临出锅撒葱花芝麻。

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