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Suan-La Fen




Suan-La Fen, also called Hot and Sour Noodles is one of the most famous Sichuan street food.  It's spicy, salty, sour, garlicy and sweet potato noodles are soft and slippery. A bowl of red hot slurping goodness. This noodle soup can be a fast food, can prepare in minutes if all the components/ingredients are prepared in advance.



酸辣粉是四川的传统名小吃,其特点是“麻、辣、鲜、香、酸且油而不腻”!素有“天下第一粉”之美名。 “酸辣粉”系纯然绿色食品,主粉由红薯,红苕,豌豆按最佳比例调和,然后由农家用传统手工漏制而成。酸辣粉原料:红薯粉丝一把、蒜末10克、姜末10克、酸豆角25克、炒花生25克、香菜叶一小撮、油泼辣子一大勺、盐两勺、醋25克、油15克、高汤100克、清水500克 酸辣粉家常做法 .红薯粉丝用温水浸泡30分钟 滤净水分后冲洗干净,适当剪断 大蒜、生姜切末,酸豆角切小丁,香菜切小段 炒锅倒少量油,烧热后下入姜蒜末、油拨辣子煸炒出香,然后加入高汤、清水、盐、醋,大火煮沸 下入粉丝 再次沸腾后,改小火,再煮约1分钟即可关火 将煮好的粉丝捞出置于碗中 。

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